
Does Rover pay well?

Rover has become known as not only the ‘Uber of the west’, but also as the ‘Uber of the world’, and there are strong signs that the ride sharing giant could be headed towards a move into UK shores and will begin charging a fee to use its app. It is thought that Rover will […]


Can I be a dog walker without experience?

Yes, you can be a dog walker without experience or training with a course available at any of our many dog walking stores across the country. Our dog walking courses include dogs of all ages and abilities, even those that are afraid of people and aren’t comfortable walking on their own. Do I teach a […]


How long should you walk a dog?

The answer depends on your dog’s size, health and his or her personality. The general rule of thumb for walking a dog is five to 10 minutes, though some dogs can walk for much longer. Do regular exercises and stretching help your dog exercise better? Some trainers recommend walking your dog once or twice a […]


How Long Will homemade dog treats last?

It’s important to note that homemade dog treats aren’t going completely through the “food waste” cycle, and are going direct directly to the dog. The last one you make is going to go directly into the dog, though you will use it for several months before you see the last bit of scraps. In a […]


How much should I charge to watch a dog overnight?

It is common to charge a dog a flat fee. Many of us go to the dog park to watch their favourite pet. However, charging a flat fee when we can find a suitable location for our furry friends would be a good idea. Weighing up the cost of watching out for our dog can […]


Does WAG or rover pay more?

They could, if they were to pay any more than they are currently. If it is a WAG, it would not cost money to have them, just like if I were to drive my house with a spare $500, then the government would fund my purchase of $500 worth of food and clothing per person […]


What dogs are suitable for full time workers?

The answer might shock you. The list below is not an all-inclusive list of the best breeds for full-time employment. Many full-time jobs can be easily done by any type of dog, and many dogs are better suited to certain jobs than others. However, dogs work hard and perform well under pressure, so they are […]


Can you sell puppies without a license?

It’s not clear yet. The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association did the research and says no. A spokeswoman, Amy McVicker, said veterinarians have a legal responsibility to advise owners about puppy sales, but only to the extent that “the dogs are well enough to do business.” One of the reasons I bought a puppy was […]


Do pet shops make money?

Yes. Many pet shops generate millions of dollars every year by selling pet products. They even have their own websites. As a pet shop owner, you must have a clear understanding of how to make money from your business and how to get a higher-paying job if you are able to make a great living […]


Why do dogs zig zag when walking?

The zig-zag of a dog as it walks is most easily explained by two separate actions. First, the motion will be done on the side most directly in front of the dog’s mouth. This is usually the side closest to the end of the jaw in an adult dog. When the dog walks on side […]