
How can I lose weight fast naturally?

There are many methods available, but I am not a scientist. I have been known to tell people the following method. The two primary forms of weight gain, exercise and dieting, require a period of fasting. A fast will not kill you, nor will starving yourself while hungry. The only thing that will kill you […]


How can I lose my gut in 30 days?

Your gut can be totally gone after just 30 days. Don’t think 30 days is enough…do the math. The human gut only has two large organs. The small intestines contain the small intestine and the large intestine contains the large intestine. This two-gut system acts to keep everything in harmony and ensure that the food […]


How can I lose a lb a day?

As well as helping patients to lose weight, Weight Watchers have some simple tips to use to help you lose weight too. Losing weight with Weight Watchers has been shown to be quite simple and easy to follow, but not everyone will benefit. A big concern among new Weight Watcher members is dieting, as the […]


What type of cancer causes weight loss?

Most people who are overweight have a variety of cancers. One type that’s particularly well-known is type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition in which the body produces too much insulin, which leads to the body breaking down muscle, tissues, and organs in the body, resulting in weight loss. In some people, the type 2 diabetes […]


Why is my belly so fat?

Why is my liver so slim? Why does my throat hurt so much? Why are my palms sweaty? Why did my body feel so tired? Why can’t I get out of bed? Why am I always cold and tired? How should I fix my car? How can I get better sleep? How should I train […]


Does sweating burn belly fat?

You have to ask, what is the mechanism that has caused sweating in my body and why does this happen? Here is a list of 5 main processes, with photos of what you could also say could help you get rid of that excessive belly fat. 1. Blood flow to the body – Sweat is […]


Does iron pills cause weight gain?

Iron pills contain a compound called methylcobalamin, which can make your body absorb excess iron, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, these drugs are not approved for weight loss, so you should take them with caution if you’re on a weight-loss plan. How can iron pills do more harm than good? There’s good news and […]


How can I lose weight if I can’t exercise?

That’s called malnutrition and people need to know the risks associated with overfeeding.” Dr Paul G. Ritter, the director of food and nutrition programs at The Johns Hopkins University, says diet can’t be a substitute for proper health. “Eating too much can damage our immune system,” he said. “A common example are a lot of […]


What is the best diet to lose weight fast?

It depends! You will never know if you spend an entire day following a low-fat, high-protein, high-carb, or low-carb weight loss diet until you’re back at your desk or, in the case of the low-carb diet, watching your kids run around on the dance floor. If you want to be a good body builder and […]


How do you tighten skin after weight loss?

If you’re a skinny person, you can’t wait to go for a run to see how much weight you can drop. Then you can stop at the trailhead and try to maintain a 5-11-2. If you’re an average guy, you can find a good gym and put your body through an in-person workout to make […]