
Can I spray paint furniture without sanding? – Spray Paint Art Techniques Explained Series

The paint must be applied to the finished work surface and not to the paint. If the furniture is sanded, all paint and paint products will lose their adhesion to the sanded surfaces and the surface will not adhere to the paint. (This is true for almost any surface, even on non-porous surfaces.) If sanding […]


Should I sand between coats of Rustoleum? – Amazing Spray Paint Art For Sale

If you have to sand between coats, your best bet is to use a soft cloth to smooth out any rough areas. You can buy a spray-on wet/dry-wet sanding cloth at most auto parts stores, or you can spray the area to be sanded and then wipe with a fresh fresh cloth. You can then […]


Should I sand between coats of Rustoleum? – Spray Paint Art Techniques Explained Cults In California

Most likely not. The paint will be absorbed as you apply the primer. For most cars, we recommend a 10-15 minute sanding between coats of Rustoleum since this is the most necessary step to remove any imperfections that might appear as the paint is being applied. Sanding is recommended for every primer since the primer […]


How much will one can of spray paint cover? – How To Spray Paint Art Surfboard For Sale

Here’s a good rule of thumb: 1x -1 ft. So this might vary, some places use 4x, others 2x. When you’re done… paint it all black… Next, you can take out your brush and use the brush to create splotches around and along the edges of the piece. Now you want to go ahead and […]


How do you spray paint a compressor? – Spray Paint Art Supplies For Beginners

The compressor is a huge piece by itself and it cannot be spray painted. There are many things to know before starting a job and it is best to hire a professional paint shop to do the job for you. It is essential to have an experienced professional with experience spray painting as these are […]


Is there a spray dye for fabric? – Lightning Spray Paint Art Techniques For Beginners

There is so much of it that we just don’t have time for a post on it right now. We would really love to do a post on this next year though! What’s the best part of the job? In my opinion, the best part of the job is the friendships we have. We are […]


Is rustoleum good for spray paint art? – Crack Spray Paint Art Techniques Free

A: Yes, as long as your spray can is big enough for everything you need it for. But it’s better to spray paint in a large bucket, or to have the container that you use to transport your paint (like an air-drying bucket or bucket for paint) bigger than the container you usually use. Q: […]


Is rustoleum a paint? – Las Vegas Spray Paint Artist

Are they both just painting a picture? I would argue no more than a paint is more than a painting – but in my opinion the former can be used as a metaphor and the latter, if nothing else, provides a useful comparison. I’ve heard rustoleum is an insecticide. So does that mean it will […]


Is spray paint water based? – Easy Spray Paint Art Nature Leaves Border

No, not spray paint water based (because you’d have to spray the spray paint into the water). But if you’ve ever used a spray dye, then you know what I’m talking about: black acrylic paint spray dye can and spray cans are extremely common tools for the hobbyist and professional. For this reason, I was […]


Is rustoleum a paint? – How To Spray Paint Art Techniques

I’m pretty sure the term rustoleum is used to refer to paint, although it could also refer to glue. And glue. Rustoleum paints generally are used for things like window or door panels, walls and ceilings, and especially those that have been neglected for years. Because of this, I often hear people tell me that […]