
Why is it important for students to know social dance? – Social Dance Europe

It is important because some social dance techniques, not all of them are appropriate for every student. You might not think this is important. You might not even think it is worth sharing because you don’t have a “social dance” project going on. You might not even notice your dance is on the agenda because most faculty have not practiced dancing or at least not very much at all.

But, that being said: I believe it is an essential skill to be able to practice or learn or create with others. It is just like any other, non-verbal, human-led endeavor to help others to find their inner resources. And, as I just said, I don’t think the student body can and should take it for granted that they will learn how to move well or how to move with people. But, the more people who are successful and active participating in social dance, the better. So, keep learning! And when you have a good dance or skill to share with others, use that opportunity to do so, so that there is not a lack of dancing opportunity in the community.

What are the best ways to get involved?

It can be hard to get involved because some people are afraid of social dance.

And that’s really not their issue.

It should be their issue.

The issue is the fear of social dancing.

We all have that fear and, yes it is irrational. And I know it feels good to “not get hurt.” But, that feeling comes with a huge cost – your physical/emotional health, and sometimes your financial health, as well. The same thing can be true for social dancing. It’s hard to find the time. It’s hard to get your feet wet. And, you get bored. That’s true for just about everyone. And, the only way to overcome that is with hard work and an active involvement.

The thing is, social dance can change the world! Not everyone makes the connection! But, we need someone else with a connection to share that information with others, so that they can become more open to social dance. It’s important that everyone has that connection to help them get started in social dancing.

What resources can my classmates or my staff members share with me?

In my class, we get a very good dose from the faculty. Sometimes, we can’t get enough of it.

I mean, I can’t even think of what I would recommend to

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