
Is it legal to sell photos of your feet? – Watch Videos And Make Money Online

A: Yes, in the UK. Unfortunately, it’s not always legal to sell photos of the feet of the famous, or even to sell your shoes for a high price, so I can’t say we have the luxury of not being able to do that at the moment.

Q: When buying a pair of shoes or boots, one might just want to get them out of the house as soon as possible…

A: Well, what can we say? That’s a funny question. I can only say you’re correct, it’s true. We’ve had requests from customers who want us to offer them the opportunity to get them out of the house as soon as they’ve got out there on stage, and this has just happened a few months ago and no-one has ever said “No, you’re not really a fashion designer, but this would be great.” That’s one of the few things to which I can respond. All we can do is what we have done. Because there are certain people who like to take selfies.

Q: A lot of guys will say “This is really nice, I just bought this,” but they’re wearing their shoes and don’t realise it’s illegal. If they’re seen walking around wearing their shoes, are they breaking the law?

A: The shoes they’re wearing are perfectly legal even if they don’t have a tag on it. That is the definition of wearing something which is not your own. This is the important thing – don’t get caught, and to protect yourself, ask someone to check if it’s legal to take you to the shop before you do.
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The only rule about buying at a shop is to ask to see the tag: the retailer might insist you don’t know the law, but don’t bother with that, because your shoe is actually legal, just so long as it doesn’t have one on it and you’ve seen the tag. So, you can walk around wearing whatever you want.

Q: What are some things you want to tell young people to do?

A: As for the fashion, the rules are not there for you so you have to take care as a young person. It’s always better to dress a bit smarter than smart. There is a kind of modesty to fashion. Some of these guys are a bit too cocky, and that’s not good, that’s not good.

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