
Is Piano easier than guitar? – Learn To Play The Ukulele Online

“It’s actually not easier than guitar, no,” says Dave Matthews. “You have to be comfortable at playing piano. And in some situations, that can be a problem because you can’t play your fingers. I had to find a way to play those songs without doing my whole set. There are a few songs that I’d do my set, and then I would do a “chimney sweep” riff on that song, and my fingers would just kind of fall apart after a while. I would do a vocal part on that one too, but when you have your whole set on and your finger problems are starting to show, it was just not doing it for me.”

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What song changed for you about making the transition from piano to guitar?

“It was “Donna Summer.” I did the part in a car, and there were just so many lyrics that were a direct quote of that line. I’m sure it changed me instantly, too. I always loved that part of her music.”

Does your son learn music at the same rate?

“Absolutely. When my son starts school, it’s not until he’s like 18 or 19. Sometimes this is when I’m more distracted. My daughter can play music too, and she’s like, ‘Mommy, is this really for me?’ I’m like, ‘Not at all! Don’t worry!’ She just asks me to pick out the parts to play and I’m like, ‘Oh, yeah.’ ”

Are there any songs you miss the most that you’d like to hear your son play?

“Oh, definitely.”

What’s going on with her right now?

“I think she’s doing very well, and she’s playing a lot. She’s learning in a couple of different places. She’s playing drums in a school, she has a friend who plays drums in a club. She’s learning the keyboard, and the only one that would beat her out now is her friend, who’s learning piano. But she just had to do a song from her old album that had to be sung before it was ready, and then we had to sing it for her before it was finished.”

Does she know what she wants to do after college?

“Absolutely. I think she’s going to be doing everything from acting to music. She was doing some dance on the set, and she’s in a band now. She

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