
What skills do you need to be a woodworker?

I would like to work in this field but I need to find a suitable employer who thinks this is a feasible option for me. As for the type of woodworkers that would be suitable, I think that I would prefer to have a basic woodworking background as it would help me make a good decision on what kind of woodworking I would like to learn next.

What is the best woodworking course or courses?

I am a keen enthusiast of woodworking for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s easy to learn. Secondly, I think that the course that I would prefer to take would be the “Woodworking Certification” type course offered by the European Society of Woodworkers (ESOW). These course are aimed at being of help to anyone wanting to learn how to make any kind of woodworking. That way I can have a pretty good idea of what is what and be able to go in knowing exactly what I am meant to do.

Would you be interested in learning woodworking? If so what kind? Email here!

A small, fast robot on a giant robot. This was the design of the first robot race, and the robots were developed by teams from the University of Tokyo, JSR, and the University of Pittsburgh. (Photo: Yoshisuke Shimizu, University of Tokyo)

A small robotic device that makes large, smooth cuts that can make a sandwich on a plate — a job that traditionally requires a person — could eventually mean a cheaper way to assemble cars or machines.

A group from the University of Tokyo announced on Wednesday that it has developed a robotic joint that has become an Internet sensation using a method called “molecular assembly.” The results appeared in Nature Communications.

Their device is described as a tiny device with a circular central core that has six metal bars connected from each end. When the researchers heated it to about 600 degrees Fahrenheit, they saw something that they thought was an assembly line but actually was a kind of plastic-like material. The core moves like a drill, and when a hot-dog-sized ball of material is inserted inside, the device forms it into a sandwich, a process known as “sandwiching.”

The scientists, Yoshisuke Shimizu and Shigeki Sato from the University of Tokyo, tested a couple dozen of their robots at Carnegie Mellon University. Two months ago, they created a video of the process that caught the attention of Robohub, whose cohost asked them if the videos