
How can I lose my arm fat? – Diet And Exercise For Fat Loss

The answer is always the same–a diet of low-fat, high-fat, high-carb (read: high-carb, low-carb, and low-fat).

This is where you might be confused–the idea that you can lose fat without a ketogenic diet, but actually do so with a low-fat diet–because it’s the same idea that you hear in all the fat loss books.

This is the same idea that explains why people can’t see through a fat loss plan even when they follow the nutritional plan exactly. The problem is that it’s completely false.

This is why when most of the fat loss books talk about “ketosis,” it’s really what you’re doing on a low-carb diet that’s causing your lean tissue to atrophy as it accumulates. You aren’t losing fat, you’ve lost protein.

Here’s a short video from me that talks about what ketosis means to you. Enjoy! Click HERE to watch if you’re not ready for that long.

I did a blog post a few days ago that explains why the Atkins diet is NOT THE END-ALL BE-ALL of fat loss. The main reason why people get fat again is because they don’t make fat.

The main reason you’re losing fat is because you’ve been eating the low-fat, high-fat diets that have been proven (with science-backed studies) to promote metabolic dysfunction, cause hormonal imbalance, and cause inflammation.

To make matters worse, eating the same thing over and over again doesn’t work because your brain will eventually adapt and adapt again.

I’ll explain why over time so many people don’t lose fat and why you should avoid these low-carb, low-fat, high-fat diets.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of ketosis (and you are if you’re not), I’ll explain what it means to you in this video:

This video makes it really simple to see why I see a whole lot of the best fat loss advice (not ketogenic low-fat or keto high-fat) being sold as low carb (read: high-carb) but the thing is all it really means is low-carb.

Mayo Clinic Minute: Burn calories without burning out on exercise ...
When you have ketosis, everything that follows from your normal eating habits, your normal exercise routines and the things that are going into your diet is ketogenic. Everything you eat gets processed to ketone bodies (and the breakdown

diet and exercise for fat loss, how to lose weight appropriately, webmd diet, week 1 weight loss, smart dieting