
How much does a pet sitter make? – Pet Store Business Plan

See details of the hourly rate. Is a pet sitter going to work with my child ?

Pet sitters will usually not be working with a child – this is because many children are on the autism spectrum and many of them have difficulty speaking up.

Will the pet sitter be working with someone else?

There may be a couple of other people in the room who are not part of the child’s support system or the family, but they may all be there if the child feels comfortable.

What happens if I have a pre-booked appointment?

If you are booked for a short-listed session, but still want to make a booking early, then please go to and complete the appropriate booking form to reserve a spot for the appointment.

If you require more information, please ask us when you book.

Can I book my childcare or care on the website?

We would strongly recommend that you do not book a childcare or care session online – when you book on the website you have to be a member and sign up for email reminders. This may take several days to arrive, especially for short-listed sessions. You can call our Helpline and speak to a Care Provider in person for more help.

How do I be confident of what type of pet sitter I am going to be able to hire?

We recommend selecting a cat or dog sitter based on his/her level of experience and whether your child loves animals, as dogs tend to be a lot less fearful than cats.

What do I do if the sitter does not come for my child?

Please inform our Care Provider of the reason for the omission and let him/her know what the reason was. If it’s an emergency this could mean the sitter needs to be contacted by the Care Provider directly as no one else will be able to help you.

Can I book my child’s care sessions on the website?

If you currently have an account at a different company – or want to change providers on the website – you must complete the relevant booking form to make a booking on the website; this must go through an additional online system called Pay by Phone.

How can I change the provider on the website?

If you want to apply for a new provider or have changed your existing provider, then call the Care Provider on 0800 811 553 or email help@s

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