
What should I ask a life coach? – How To Market My Life Coaching Business

1) What’s the biggest misconception you see about life coaches?

2) What’s the best advice you have ever been given?

3) What do you wish someone could tell you about being a member of the military?

4) What was it like growing up with a deafblind father?

5) I think it’s time to read the book “Failing to Learn”

6) Have you ever thought about joining the military again?

7) Why is it important to have a good business education?

8) Does the term “business intelligence” mean what it sounds like?

9) Is there such a thing as a “failure to learn” in professional life? (i.e., your failure to improve in one area). This is a tricky one, but not as difficult as you make it look.

10) What are your two favorite books on philosophy?

11) What advice would you give to a young man who was unhappy in his marriage and was interested in becoming a minister?

12) What should you do if your partner has a “negative” attitude toward sex? (i.e., not interested in it.)

13) What’s your top tip for being a successful husband or wife?

14) How old should you get yourself before you start doing the dishes?

15) How much money should you raise from a young age?

15) What would you say is a good strategy for making a good impression out of someone in a business meeting?

16) What is one thing your spouse hates and one good thing she loves?

17) What’s been your toughest question so far?

This is a difficult one, but not as difficult as you think you are. I’m not going to make it into 50 questions, because it’s not the time to really think deeply on questions. Instead, I’m going to take a quick second to look at three things that I think are particularly pertinent, which you can do anytime you want to get this question out in the open. These are the real questions, no matter how you answer them. I’m going to start with a few more questions to do with the relationship between sex and intimacy, but if you really want to be a good “life coach” you need to ask more.

1) What’s the biggest misconception you see about life coaches?

The biggest misconception is that life coaches

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