
What is the best life coach certification program? – I Want A Life Coach

In our rankings, we include many of the most popular coaching training programs offered by organizations like the National Institute of Sports Health and Performance (NISHP), the American Institute of Sports Medicine Foundation, the Institute of Sports Medicine, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). We also take into account which certification or training programs are required or encouraged by the organization.

We found that the best programs included programs that are required or recommended by the organization and provided by a trusted source. The programs that offered the most guidance from outside sources were:





The NSCA’s NSCA Training Center


The NCAA’s Athletic Training Institute

Many of the programs with the most guidance from external sources went to elite athletes and were widely praised.

The NCASHA offers a wide range of life coaching programs, including:

The Academy for Life Leadership

The Association for National Coaching Excellence

The Association for Coaching Excellence

To learn more about these programs, click on the link to their individual pages.

How good are life coaching programs?

We were not able to include an overall ranking among the best life coaching programs, so we were forced to include in the rankings only programs that offer at least one of the top four life coaching training programs.

The following criteria helped determine which programs were listed and how much guidance they received from outside sources:

The quality of the individual programs at the time their ratings were calculated, rather than how many endorsements were issued by third parties

The organization’s reputation for offering a variety of life coaching programs.

The level of the endorsement they provided. We only included endorsements by external sources in the programs that are offered by organizations that are accredited by a recognized accrediting organization

The degree of detail that was put into each program. We rated everything, from the details of the life coaching training to the information that was presented by coaches and trainers in the program

The number of coaching coaches and the number of instructors that were present at a given conference, conference seminar, or seminar.
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Our recommendations

In our rankings, we did not consider the quality of each program as well as how many endorsements it got from outside sources, how many coaches were present at the meetings, or how much detail there was of a specific program. This created some bias against some programs and

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