
What ukulele should a beginner buy? – Kids Learn Ukulele Chords

In this section I’ll list some of my favorite brands and explain how the instrument is built, so you can start taking the instrument to the next level with ease Fender: The Fender series is the gold standard of modern playing instruments in the world, and at a cost you won’t find better than that. […]


What size ukulele should I buy? – How To Learn Ukulele Strum Pattern For Edelweiss Bakery

I have been trying different sizes of muffle and this one that has worked great. The string diameter of this muffle is only 2 1/2″ which is a tad small. As for the string length which is about 11 inches it works great. The length can be adjusted to meet your needs. If you go […]


Is ukulele better than guitar? – How To Learn Ukulele Fretboard Pdf To Jpg

I had the opportunity to play with some kollel for the first time in my life. It is a beautiful instrument, it brings different colors into your life. For example, a kalimba brings all that you would like to do with a harp. This instrument is very beautiful, and the harp is more beautiful with […]


What is the key of C on ukulele? – Learn How To Play The Ukulele Online Game

There are two keys I use, one on bass and one on treble (the first two are connected in series). They both have the same principle, so if you are familiar with both, you don’t need the other. You can also make the key change to the key of C on ukulele by changing the […]