
Where can I sell my photos online for free?

If you are selling photos online for a fee, please do not send a link or link URL to the online gallery. We prefer this as we will be using those links and URLs to direct you to your actual place in the gallery. If you are selling photos that are in a gallery, please ask a photo assistant to direct you to your place in the gallery.

Can I make a payment to buy an existing listing or image?

No, you will need to make payments via PayPal (recommended) or bank transfer before you can buy an existing listing or image.

I have multiple businesses in my profile. How do I manage the privacy of those businesses?

Your businesses can each be associated with just one public listing. However we do ask that only one business be linked in your photos. If you wish to add another business, you will have to remove the existing links for that business from your gallery. This will remove all public profile links for a business.

I have a business profile that has a list of photographers whose work I want to use. Could you please make photos that use the photographer’s work available to me?

Yes, if you are selling or promoting these kinds of works in a public profile that has all the photos of the photographer’s work available for your users, please give our photographer as much notice as possible of the fact that you are accepting an invitation to the photographer’s gallery. This will encourage you to use the pictures you are interested in in the gallery where people can see it.

Can I change my profile photo in my Gallery in real time?

Yes , but first the profile page must have been set by a human being. This will allow you to change your photo without actually downloading it from your Gallery or uploading it manually to your profile.
FP.Macrostock photos, images, assets | Adobe Stock

Can I change my image size in the Gallery?

Yes , but we request a minimum 5px width for the new images while keeping the photo file size in balance with the new size

Can I sell my Picasa image?

No, we do allow sales of Picasa images in exchange for your other Picasa products or services, but will contact you after receipt to let you know of any changes to your Picasa account(s).

How often must I post a new photo?

All photos must be posted in the time allotted by Picasa and uploaded in all sizes.

If I need to upload photos on a weekly or monthly basis, what is