
How did flappers express their freedom? – 1920S Cape Dress

Where do they come from? Why should they be any more important than the average person?

This year, flappers created a new icon in their struggle for freedom and equality. The #FlapGirl is a simple symbol with five fingers hanging down around her head and four pointed stars pointing towards the sky. The design is simple, but it is a symbol of hope, peace, and empowerment.

Flappers had a real issue with gender in the past, and the #FlapGirl symbol was a way of expressing that sentiment. It is a simple representation of their belief that equality should be achieved between all flappers, regardless of gender.

There are many variations of #flapgirl, but if you were to say out loud, “flapper women” you would likely get a blank stare from many people.

They were not allowed into the club, had little political clout, and were relegated to the basement dance floor. A symbol of empowerment.

Women flapper fans were outraged that they were not given the opportunity to live a dream, or have a life that they truly believed in. The flapper dream had become a mockery of freedom.

Why do Flappers deserve this status? Why are they considered the more important of the flappers? What could they possibly have achieved that all the other women in the club wanted? Surely they can’t possibly have all the answers! They have been fighting for justice for so long… why now are they being ignored?

The following chart lists the current status, and other recent history, of some of the most prominent flapper groups. I hope it will help you understand why the #flapgirl is such a valuable symbol for flappers on the rise.

Flappers History

The Flappers had a real issue with gender in the past, and the #FlapGirl symbol was a way of expressing that sentiment. It is a simple representation of their belief that equality should be achieved between all flappers, regardless of gender.

Many flappers felt that equality could be achieved only if women and men would stop working and living separately. They believed that each woman had the potential to be a successful flapper, regardless of sex, while men could be fulfilled as mere flappers.

While some flappers do support women in politics, they are often ridiculed for their beliefs. Some even hate women altogether.

The flapper symbol is one of the most prominent symbols in their struggle for freedom and equality.

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